Monday, April 30, 2012

Red Deer BMX 2012 Beginners Clinic

Our 2012 BMX Beginners Clinic is fast approaching... this Saturday May 5th to be exact!!!
We have so many fun and exciting things going on that it would be a shame to miss it!!!
Not sure what the beginners clinic is about??? Well here are a few F.A.Q to help you out...

Q: What is the beginners clinic?
A: The beginners clinic is something that Red Deer BMX puts on to kick off the season where riders who are interested in trying out the sport can get on the track and try it out to see if it is for them.

Q: Is it just new riders at the clinic?
A: NO.... All riders, past, present and future, are welcome... in fact our new or future riders are actually paired up with previous riders to teach them tips on how to ride the track and show them what the sport is all about.

Q: Do you need to be a member to join the clinic?
A: No.... if you are not a member you can most certainly ride the track but you do need to sign a waiver, for insurance purposes, and if you are under the age of 18 you NEED a parent to sign it and stay with you during the clinic.

Q: What is the cost to us for the clinic?
A: The clinic is totally FREE for everyone!!! We at Red Deer BMX wants to ensure that everyone has a chance to experience this newly instated Olympic sport.

Q: Do I or my child need all of the equipment necessary for BMX before we get to the clinic?
A: If you can find the equipment that is awesome...if not then we do have a few loner bikes and helmets at the track for use.

Q: Is there anything else happening at the clinic?
A: Yes.... we will also be holding a swap meet on site where we will have various tables set up from members who will be selling off old equipment and also a table from a local bike shop with whom you can order equipment from. We will also have some special guests on site as well!!!!

Q: When does the clinic start?
A: Registration starts at 12pm and will go until 1pm. From there we move into introductions and then match our new riders to their mentor riders where they will get to practice together until 2pm. We will have 1 moto (race) where the old riders will show you how it's done and then another moto where the new riders will join in for a fun packed race followed by prize presentations!!!

Q: What if I don't know anything about BMX and I won't know what to do when I get there?
A: There will be MANY volunteers on site that can answer ANY questions that you have and will help you out every step of the way. We at Red Deer BMX consider ourselves one big family, and by you stepping into our home you become family as well so we will make sure you and your rider(s) are well taken care of!!

Q: Where is Red Deer BMX located?
A: It is located at Great West Adventure Park which is on the opposite side of Taylor Dr from Bower Ponds.... just follow the signs!!!

I hope to see you all this Saturday either on the track or in the stands!!!

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